
Welcome to my Portfolio…

About Me…

My name is Lewis Kyneston, I am 22 years of age, studying a BA Hons Degree in Film & TV Production at The Manchester Film School. My aim throughout university has been to develop as much technical and theoretical knowledge as I can about the Camera Department, so that my chances of gaining employment once graduating are high. Throughout my three years studying at the university, I have met many amazing people of whom I have been able to work close with, people who have got onto jobs outside of the university working with industry professionals whereby I have been able to learn many new things, putting this into my own practice.


This webpage will demonstrate my knowledge and understanding of the Film & TV industry through the work I have taken part in during this second semester. It will be shown through a Synthesis Portfolio, documenting all the work I have completed. I have continued to develop my learning from the first semester of my final year and have put what I learnt into practice to produce some amazing pieces of film, working along side many talented individuals.


You must have the determination to succeed in what you are working on. Make sure you stay focused in the task you are undertaking and prove to others you are capable of being a success.


Filmmaking involves a lot of freedom, this is what the job is all about. Having the freedom to experiment with new ways of working is where a true filmmaker is made.


Having confidence is key to the film industry, this is what makes you strive for success. Being confident and believing in yourself is what will get you far throughout this area of specialism. It will make you a better person and will make you stand out from others who are competing with you.

Get in Touch

Please feel free to get in touch with me via the following ways;

Telephone; 07704218841

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